Monday, January 27, 2020

Diagnostic Test Related Musculoskeletal System Health And Social Care Essay

Diagnostic Test Related Musculoskeletal System Health And Social Care Essay Both of these can reveal levels of various minerals and other substances indicating disease or a musculoskeletal disorder. The levels of certain protein in the blood may also help diagnose a disease. Blood and Urine samples are the most common tests used to diagnose problems within the musculoskeletal system. Also, prior to surgery, blood samples are used to detect bleeding tendencies. Urinary N-telopeptide of type 1 collagen or N-Tx and deoxypyridinoline (Dpd) both reflects increased osteoclast activity and increased bone resorption. b. Nerve Conduction Studies It is used to measure the electrical activity of muscles when a muscle fiber contracts to determine if the muscles and nerves are working properly. It is performed by stimulating a peripheral nerve at several points along its course and recording the muscle action potential or the sensory action potential that results. Usually, surface or needle electrodes are used. It is placed on the skin over the nerve to stimulate the nerve fibers. A technique called truax biography will show nerve conduction patterns, which changes in various muscle and nerve diseases. c. Imaging Procedures X-Ray Studies Bone X-Rays determines the bone density, erosion, and changes in bone relationships. It is used to diagnose broken bones or joint dislocations, guide orthopaedic surgery such as spine repair or infusion, assist in detection and diagnose of bone cancer, and locate foreign objects around soft tissues and in bones. Joint X-Rays reveal fluid irregularity, spur formation, narrowing and changes in joint structure. It is used to detect degenerative conditions on the joints, fractures, and tumors. Multiple X-Rays with multiple views are also needed for full assessment of the structure being examined. Computed Tomography It is used to identify the location and extent of fractures in areas that are difficult to evaluate such as acetabulum. It can be performed with or without the use of contrast agents and can illustrate a detailed specific plane of involved bone and can also reveal tumors of the soft tissues or injuries to the ligaments or tendons. Magnetic Resonance Imaging It can demonstrate abnormalities such as tumors and narrowing of tissue pathways through the bone. It is a noninvasive procedure and electromagnets are used that is why patients with any metal implants, clips or pacemakers cannot have an MRI. IV contrast agent are used to enhance visualization. Arthrography It identifies acute or chronic tears of the joint capsule or supporting ligaments of the knee, shoulder, ankle, hip, or wrist. A radiopaque contrast agent or air is used. It is injected into the joint cavity to visualize the irregular surfaces. The joint will be put through its ROM to distribute the contrast agent accompanied by a series of X-Rays. If the contrast agent leaks, it means a tear is present. 2. Discuss musculoskeletal changes associated with the aging process. Aging leads to changes in balance, cartilage and bone tissue. The normal aging process does not need to have limited movements. Mobility is affected by personal lifestyle and the degree of activity that the individual has maintained throughout their life. Although, some of the limitations of mobility occurs as a result of fear, such as fear of falling. a. Changes in Balance The maintenance of balance relies on integrating responses from the visual system, vestibular system in the inner ear and the proprioceptors in the muscles and joints. And with aging, older people requires greater angular movement in joints for proprioception to be achieved. b. Cartilaginous Changes There is loss in the normal elastic properties of cartilage due to an increase in water loss and deposition of fibers. The increased fiber density in connective tissue and cartilage produces a mesh or interconnection for the deposition of calcium. And this accounts fot the increased calcification of cartilage with aging. The hyaline cartilage also loses fluid and is converted to fibrocartilage. The articular cartilage changes with the elasticity being lost. Thinning occurs over the weight bearing areas which affects functioning such as the changes in the menisci of the knee joint that will inhibit free movement. The loss of water from cartilage in the intervertebral discs leads to compaction of the vertebrae and shrinkage of the spinal column, which is seen as a loss in height. Many joint of the body becomes stiffened with aging. The height loss is also affected by joint changes and by the flattening of the arc of the foot. c. Bone Changes Osteoporosis is a normal aging process as the androgen decreases. It is an imbalance between bone reabsorption and formation. If it is severe, it may cause fractures and may lead to bowing of the long bones and to an increase in spinal curvature due to vertebral collapse. 3. Discuss patient preparation for an arthroscopy. Arthroscopy is a procedure used to directly visualize a joint to diagnose joint disorders. Various treatments can also be performed through the arthroscope such as treatment of tears, defects, and disease processes. Arthroscopy is most often performed as an outpatient procedure. It is a essentially a bloodless procedure with generally few complications. It is performed in the operating room under sterile conditions. Injection of local anesthesia into the joint or general anesthesia, a spinal or epidural anesthesia is used. The patient should be able to tolerate the anesthetic agent used. Heart and lung function should be adequate. Existing problems such as emphysema should be optimized as possible prior to surgery. Anticoagulants should be carefully adjusted prior to surgery if the patient is taking them. Preoperatively, physical examination, blood tests and urinalysis will be performed. If the patient has a history of heart or lung problems, and is above the age of 50, an ECG and chest X-ray is obtained. The patient should also have instruction on exercises and postoperative mobilization such as crutch walking. Patients are generally encouraged to mobilize the affected part following surgery with adequate analgesia. 4. Discuss components of a musculoskeletal physical assessment. a. Posture Spine is assessed for normal curvature. It is convex through the thoracic portion and concave through the cervical and lumbar portions. Kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis are common deformities of the spine. Kyphosis is mostly seen in elderly patients with osteoporosis and in some with neuromuscular disease. The entire back, buttocks and legs should be exposed during inspection of the spine. Spinal curves and trunk symmetry are inspected from posterior and lateral views. Differences in the height of the shoulders or iliac crest are noted. Symmetry of the shoulders and hips, line of the vertebral column are inspected at erect position and patient bending forward. Height should be measured especially in adults because in older adults, loss of height occurs due to loss of vertebral cartilage and osteoporosis. b. Gait Have the patient walk away for a short distance and observe the patients gait for smoothness and rhythm. Unsteadiness and irregular movements which are frequently seen in elderly patients are abnormal. c. Bone Integrity Deformities and alignments are assessed in the bony skeleton. Symmetric parts are compared. Abnormal bone growths are observed. Shortened extremities, amputations, and body parts that are not in anatomical alignments are documented. If fractures are present, movement must be minimized to avoid additional injuries and some may include abnormal angulation of long bones, motion at points other that joints and crepitus. d. Joint Function ROM, deformity, stability and nodular formation are noted. ROM is done both actively and passively. Goniometer can be used for precise measurement of ROM. If the joint is compromised or painful, it should be examined for effusion, swelling and increase in temperature for it may reflect active inflammation. If there is positive inflammation on the joints, a physician is consulted. Palpation of the joint while it is in passive movement will provide information on joint integrity. The joint normally moves smoothly; snap or crack indicates a ligament is slipping over a bony prominence. The slightly roughened surfaces results in crepitus. Tissues around the joints are examined for nodule formation. The size of the joint is often exaggerated by atrophy of the muscle proximal and distal to that joint which is seen in rheumatoid arthritis. e. Muscle Strength and Size Muscular strength and coordination, size of individual muscles, and patients ability to change position are assessed. Muscle tone is determined by palpating the the muscle while passively moving the relaxed extremity while muscle strength is assessed by having the patient perform certain maneuvers with and without added resistance. Muscle clonus may also be elicited by sudden, forceful, sustained dorsiflexion of the foot or extension of the wrist. Involuntary twitching of muscle fiber groups may be observed. The girth of an extremityis measured to monitor increased size. It may decrease due to muscle atrophy. It is important that the measurement be taken at the same location of the extremity and with the extremity in the same position, with the muscles at rest. Distance from a specific landmark must be indicated. Variations in size greater than 1cm are considered significant. f. Skin Skin is inspected for edema, color, and temperature. Palpation is performed to reveal if any areas are warmer which suggests increased perfusion of inflammation, or vice versa. Cuts, bruises, skin color, and evidence of decreased circulation or inflammation are noted. g. Neurovascular Status Frequent neurovascular examination is important for patient with musculoskeletal disorders due to the risk for tissue and nerve damage. Circulation, motion and sensation are assessed. SOURCES: Brunner and Suddarths textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 12th Edition Julia Kneale et. al. (2005) Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing 2nd Edition Clinical Assignment 1. Complete a musculoskeletal physical assessment. a. Temporomandibular joint Inspection: No swelling 3 fingers can be inserted sideways Palpation: No swelling and tenderness Both side firm, same strength There was a snap during opening Muscle strength The jaw can move in all directions and can move against resistance b. Cervical spine Inspection: Neck is straight and head is erect Palpation: No swelling and tenderness No spasms Both side firm, same strength Patient was able to do the following: flexion, extension, lateral bending and rotation Muscle strength Can oppose resistance applied c. Thoracolumbar spine Inspection: No deformity Vertically aligned Palpation: No swelling and tenderness No spasms Percussion No tenderness Muscle strength Can flex, extend, laterally bend and rotate spine Can oppose resistance applied d. Upper extremities Inspection: No deformity on both sides Symmetrically aligned No deviations Palpation: No swelling and tenderness No spasms No atropy Fat pads fairly solid No synovial thickening Percussion Negative tinels sign Muscle strength Can perform ROM in shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands Can oppose resistance e. Lower extremities Inspection: No deformity on both sides Symmetrically aligned No deviations Palpation: Hip joint not swollen No swelling and tenderness No spasms No atrophy Muscle strength Can perform ROM in shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands Can oppose resistance Web Assignment 1. Summarize an article discussing techniques used in assessing the musculoskeletal system. How do the components of the health history guide the assessment? There are general and regional considerations in the article. The general considerations are as follows; the patient should be undressed and gowned as needed, some parts of the exams may not be appropriate depending on the clinical situation. Examining the musculoskeletal system is all about anatomy. When taking the patients history for acute problems, we should always inquire about the mechanism of injury, loss of function and onset of swelling or edema. Also, the initial treatment should be asked. Meanwhile, when taking the patients history for chronic problems, we should ask the patient about past injuries and treatments, effect of function, and current symptoms. There are cardinal signs of musculoskeletal disease which are pain, swelling, redness, increased warmth, deformity, and loss of function. We should always begin with inspection, palpation, and ROM regardless of the region being examined. A complete evaluation will include a focused neurologic exam of the affected area. IPPA is first used in examination then active and passive ROM exercises in specific joints. After this, vascular status, pulses, capillary refill, erythema, cyanosis, clubbing, and lymphatic are assessed. The last things to be examined are the specific tests for Upper Extremities Snuffbox Tenderness, Drop Arm Test, Impingement Sign, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Test, and Flexor Digitorum Profundus. And these are the vascular and neurologic tests; Allen Test, Phalens Test, and Tinels Sign. And these are for the lowe extremities; Collateral Ligament Testing, Lachman Test, Anterior/Posterior Drawer Test, Ballotable Patella, and Milking the Knee. For the Back are the following tests Straight Leg Raising, FABER Test which stands for Flexion, ABduction, and External Rotation of the hip. It is used to differentiate hip or sacroiliac joint pathology from spine problems.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Peace Essay

Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all. Etymology [edit] From the Latin pax, meaning â€Å"freedom from civil disorder,† the English word came into use in various personal greetings from c. 300 as a translation of the Hebrew shalom. Such a translation is, however, imprecise, as shalom, which is also cognate with the Arabic â€Å"salaam†, has multiple other meanings in addition to peace, including justice, good health, safety, well-being, prosperity, equity, security, good fortune, and friendliness. [citation needed] At a personal level, peaceful behaviors are kind, considerate, respe ctful, just, and tolerant of others’ beliefs and behaviors — tending to manifest goodwill. This latter understanding of peace can also pertain to an individual’s introspective sense or concept of her/himself, as in being â€Å"at peace† in one’s own mind, as found in European references from c. 1200. The early English term is also used in the sense of â€Å"quiet†, reflecting calm, serene, and meditative approaches to family or group relationships that avoid quarreling and seek tranquility — an absence of disturbance or agitation. In many languages the word for peace is also used a greeting or a farewell, for example the Hawaiian word Aloha, as well as the Arabic word salaam. In English the word peace is occasionally used as a farewell, especially for the dead, as in the phrase Rest In Peace. Buddhists believe that peace can be attained once all suffering ends. They regard all suffering as stemming from cravings (in the extreme, greed), aversions (fears), or delusions. To eliminate such suffering and achieve ersonal peace, followers in the path of the Buddha adhere to a set of teachings called the Four Noble Truths — a central tenet in Buddhist philosophy. Islam means submission. Muslim, etymologically directly related to salaam and the name Islam, means a person who submits to Allah in salaam. [citation needed] Submission to Allah is based on humility. An attitude of humility within one’s own self cannot be accomplished without total rejection of violence, and a personal attitude and alignment t oward peace.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pig Cruelty Essay

Pig Cruelty Around 1. 3 billion pigs are slaughtered annually for meat worldwide. The majority of these are in East Asia, particularly China, which rears around half of the world’s pigs. They are usually slaughtered after 4-7 months. Pigs intended for pork are usually slaughtered 1-2 months younger than pigs for bacon. I think that the way pigs are being raised and slaughtered is corrupt and barbaric. Mother pigs; spend most of their lives in individual â€Å"gestation† crates that are approximately seven feet long and two feet wide, not large enough for them to turn around in.Just before giving birth they are moved to â€Å"farrowing† crates, which also are not large enough for them to turn around in or build nests for their young. The deprived environment produces neurotic coping behaviours such as repetitive bar biting, sham chewing and obsessively pressing on water bottles. Piglets are taken from their mothers when they are as young as 10 days old and are pac ked into pens until they are separated to be raised for breeding or meat. They are too overcrowded and prone to stress-related behaviours, such as cannibalism and tail biting.On a television episode of TV ones Sunday that I watched, the New Zealand pork industry was dealt a shameful and public relations slap-in-the-face after its former comedian celebrity kingpin, Mike King, ousted their farming practises as ‘brutal’, callous’ and ‘evil’. Mike condemned the â€Å"appalling treatment† of factory farmed pigs. He observed inside a New Zealand piggery and found a dead female pig inside a sow stall, lame or crippled pigs and others that could barely stand. Pigs either extremely depressed or highly distressed, pigs that had scars and injuries and a lack of clean drinking water.Mike says â€Å"they were screaming and frothing at the mouth, I was disgusted and I’m sorry I was ever a part of promoting it†. This is no joke, real life †˜Babes’ see no sun in their limited lives, except for when being loaded onto the truck to be slaughtered; they have no hay to lie on, no mud to roll around in, not like in our childhood books and movies. There is no freedom or joy in their short lives; it is a misery from the day they are born to the day they die. Pigs feel pain just as humans do. Imagine living in your own urine and faeces?No one would want to live like that, so why do we do this to them? Bacon, pork and ham are all very lovely food indeed, but is it needed to treat them like this? If this is the case, I’m not sure I want to continue eating these foods. I understand the fact that free range products are expensive, but if the government made factory farming illegal then there would be more competition, so they will have to compete with prices. If we all made a push towards making factory farming illegal then I believe it would be more cost effective. Just think about how much healthier the meat would be.At the end of the day it’s not just the pig farmers that need to wake up, we all do†¦ If we really wanted to we could put a stop to this cruelty, by only buying free range products; starting protesting; making petitions, but we do not and this where collective guilt comes into it. If New Zealanders or better yet, the world started doing these things we could easily stop the market for factory farmed pigs, and farmers would be forced to change their practice. If your packet does not read ‘free range’, you know the truth. Help stop pig cruelty today. Kendell Gaskell

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Existentialist Idea In The Stranger Book - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 718 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Stranger Essay Did you like this example? In the book The Stranger, Albert Camus highlights many motifs to show his existentialist ideas. Camus does this by incorporating concepts of isolation, emotionless and sadness into his main character, Meursault. Meursault struggles with fitting in the norms of society and realizing that there is more to life than he believes. Camus highlights his existential ideas through his use of motifs showing how Meursault struggles to show emotion and create meaning of life.   Camus emphasizes his existentialist ideas by characterizing Meursault as an individual who does not have emotions. Camus explains this on the first page of his novel, emphasizing how â€Å"Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I dont know† (Camus 3). Meursault describes his outlook on life and his emotional indifference in the first words of the novel. He is so unaware and unemotional that he does not even remember on which day his mother passed away. Also, when after Meursault has killed the Arab and was leaving he explained how he â€Å"very nearly held out my hand and said, â€Å"Good-by†; just in time I remembered that I’d killed a man† (64). This clarifies how unpassionate and unemotional Meursault truly is. He feels no guilt or pity for the man he has just killed even though he understands that he has committed a crime against the norms of society. Camus chooses to make Meursault an individual who not only is unemotional but also who struggles to find grief for the crimes that he has committed. Camus does this to emphasize the existential idea that nothing matters and that death is something that is bound to happen. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Existentialist Idea In The Stranger Book" essay for you Create order Another way that Camus highlights his existentialist ideas is through isolating Meursault throughout the novel. Meursault explains how he â€Å"got through another Sunday, that Mother now was buried, and tomorrow I’d be going back to work as usual. Really, nothing in my life had changed† (24). This is illustrating how isolated Meursault is and that nothing has changed because even before his mothers death, he had never been close with her. After Meursault’s mother had died, nothing changed for him because he was always so distant from her and anyone who tried to get close with him. Meursault was not only distant with his mother, but he also pushed away any other female that tried to enter his life. Meursault explains how â€Å"she asked me if I loved her. I said that sort of question had no meaning, really; but I supposed I didn’t. She looked sad for a bit† (35). This emphasizes the idea that Meursault rather live in pure isolation than let anyone n ew into his life. Camus chooses to isolate and segregate Meursault from society and anyone that tries to get closer with him to exaggerate his ideas of existentialism.   Additionally, Camus also creates a symbol of the sun, which highlights Meursault’s feels and emotions that he struggles to deal with. Right before Meursault kills the Arab, he explains how the sun plays an impact on him and how â€Å"It struck me that all I had to do was to turn, walk away, and think no more about it. But the whole beach, pulsing with heat, was pressing on my back.†(58). Camus chooses to use the word â€Å"but† in this situation to help emphasize the idea that the sun made him turn around and that he would have left if it wasnt for the intense heat of the sun. Meursault also explains how the heat eventually got so â€Å"great that it was just as bad staying where I was, under that flood of blinding light falling from the sky. To stay, or to make a move—it came to much† (57). This emphasizes how the sun grows stronger and stronger as the novel goes on. It also highlights how as it grows stronger, so does Meursault’s discomfort . Camus creates the sun as a symbol to change Meursault’s actions and emotions. As the novel progresses, Meursault’s actions depend more and more on the strength of the sun.   Ultimately, Camus illustrates his existentialist ideas throughout his novel by using motifs. He highlights these ideas through his main character, Meursault, and how Meursault struggles to fit in with societal norms. Camus uses motifs such as symbolism and characterizes Meursault differently to emphasize his belief of a meaningless world.